15 October 2011

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.....

I finally feel ready for this baby to come! The nursery is basically done. Finally!!! (I will never again think it sounds like a "good idea" to just paint some crappy furniture and try to somehow make it not crappy..IT DOESN'T WORK... The house is in decent enough shape. My co-workers threw me a shower on Friday which was so sweet. I've ordered re-curring shipments of diapers, wipes, pullups (STILL!!! BOO!!) and diaper genie refills on amazon. I've busted out the snot sucker. It's like christmas eve..NOW WHERE IS SANTA???

Ten more days. Three would be nice. Seventeen may be more likely.

The glider looks wet because it is. I scrubbed it down with oxy clean today just to "freshen it up" or something...of course I couldn't wait til it dried to post pictures :) Wet or not it's comfy and I was psyched to find something non-wooden that matched for less than $100 :) :)

Don't worry Harrison jumped in the crib A LOT yesterday just to make sure it is sturdy enough for a new baby. He's also dis-assembled the mobile once or twice....


rachel said...

It looks PERFECT! Can't wait to see her name. Best of luck and love!

ajehz and m said...

Holy cow. Ambs. It's beautiful and amazing. I wish I was going to be sitting in that comfy matching arm chair snuggling *insertpastpresidentnamehere* to sleep.

betsey said...

It look fantastic! I 'm so impressed! I've never managed to do a nursery for either of my children. I'm amazed at all you accomplish! This is fantastic! Can't wait to see the newest little Brown! Good luck!!!! We are thinking of you!

Heidi Miller said...

What a DARLING room you have set up! SOOOO CUTE!!! I love it.