15 October 2011

While we're at it...

Here are some pics of the rest of our townhouse. Just so you can see how cute but lived in it is and maybe you'll want to come visit :) PLEASE COME SEE THE BROWNS IN OUR NATION'S CAPITOL!!!

That couch is very comfy for overnight guests. And I'm just waiting for someone to put the carseat in the car...
Notice the santa-sized bag of mega blocks? Awesome. Gotta love freecycle. And if anyone wants to donate their flat screen TV to a good cause...let me know...
This loveseat is basically the last thing that Cory brought into our marriage that is still around. And it needs to go. I let Harrison eat on this couch and hope one day he'll spill something really really gross on it.

Dining Room looking into the kitchen

This wall is likely more suited for some nice framed pictures or art or something but for now it showcases Harrison's nursery and preschool creations.
What's left of the apples we picked last weekend....

After Cory and Harrison made this pie this afternoon....YUM... not all that pretty but I hear it's delicious!

More of the kitchen. No that's not diet coke. I would never subject my unborn child to caffeinated products. Please.
Playroom in the basement. That couch is a bed. COME SLEEP ON IT!!!

Other side of the playroom. Big boxes from amazon are lots of fun for 2 year olds...and they come with paper/fort walls/train tracks.
This is the basement office/guest/craft room.. it needs A LOT of work. But that couch is also a bed. And I also got it for free. BOOYAH. COME VISIT.
Your own bathroom for when you come stay with us. OH MY GOODNESS. THERE IS A HUGE BEAST IN THAT MIRROR!!! Oh wait, that's me. Please just admire me for posting even a blurry picture of myself at nearly 39 weeks. Thank you.
Up to the top floor and Harrison's room.
Oh wait, I didn't tell you I've changed his name to "Harr" since I can't find the rest of those letters? Yeah...
Mommy and Daddy's room. Nothing special but the swing and pack and play are ready!! (and I feel really really lucky to have two real closets in here).

Those two dressers were inherited from the house I grew up in--they're basically awful. Actually the one on the left is beautifully refinished but makes me crazy on a daily basis because the drawers stick like nobody's business. Someday we'll have real furniture right??


betsey said...

Love it! It is so fun to see other people's apartments. It makes me happy. We miss you guys and can't wait to make a visit to D.C.

Jen Perkins said...

I get the feeling that you want people to visit. ;) I was just telling Russ this past week that we need to figure out a way to go in the next few months!!! Your place looks cute.

Kari said...

Your home is super cute AMBER! And someday we will be out your direction when we make it out there to see my sister too!! Can't wait for you to have that sweet baby girl!!

ajehz and m said...

you are so impressive! Working, pregnant, toddler, husband, recently moved! It's unpacked decorated, lived in adorableness! I wish a visit was in the future cookie if you know what I mean

Heidi Miller said...

Everything looks so nice! It amazes me that you can accomplish so much while prego and working full time. Do you ever sleep? Miss you....and those fall colors. :( But, it is really nice here. Still a little hot, but not as bad as I thought it would be.