21 December 2011

Thanksgivmas #2

Last year the old roomies and I started a new holiday in the first weekend of December (well April suggested and we jumped on board). This year we moved it from Pittsburgh to DC for take two and had just as much fun. Plus--we had the bonus of having Alissa fly all the way out from Utah!! Oh yes, all six of us were together again (plus four husbands and 6.5 kids)!!! Two nights, lots of yummy food ( I may or may not have made SIX pizzas for this event...proscuito and carmelized onion won out as the best in my opinion), gift giving, late night conversation, and not to mention an AMAZING white elephant gift exchange...(thanks again for that toilet seat Shalise :))). I LOVE LOVE LOVE these girls and I'm glad we can always pick up where we left off back on 818 crothers lane. Can't wait til next year in OHIO!

Alissa's gift courtesy of Taci--It's a reindeer/santa/olympic snowshoer...of course....Dru is jealous...
Of course he shouldn't have been since he got Alissa's home-made awesome toddler-sized cape)
Cute baby Lucio with Andrew, Taci, and Shalise...Lucio was born 2 weeks before Carter---I feel blessed to have taken part in the decision on his name pronunciation that weekend (Lou Chee O if you are wondering)..
Carter looking up at her daddy
the boys and alesa playing video games
April gave us cute little holiday cacti---mine may or may not have been dumped over twice in the car on the way home but fingers crossed it will survive (they're a hardy plant, right?)
Carter takes a nap with her grumpy face on
Alissa and Marci figured out how to make truffle boxes out of ordinary pieces of cardstock--GENIUS I tell you!
Shalise teaches Harrison and Vincenzo spanish in a toddler toy wonderland
finally alesa gets in on the video game action
Getting ready to make truffles--YUM!!!
Harrison got a spiderman coloring book in his stocking!!
obviously it's more of a surprise if you go through your stocking with your eyes closed....
Adorable bag also made by alissa...I may be comandeering this for my own benefit...


SJ said...

I was just thinking about y'all's hilarious white elephant exchanges recently. One year in particular. I'm not sure which was better that year: Shalise's dead plant or April's autographed framed picture of herself.

Unknown said...

hahaha! I remember that one!!! The framed picture was AWESOME!