03 October 2012

11 things @ 11 months

1. Carter is cruising, "real" crawling,  climbing on everything, and has stood on her own a little bit. She LOVES to be led all over the house. She's totally going to waste Harrison who walked at nearly 13 months.
2. She does cute baby tricks --"So big" with "words", clapping, waving wildly when she hears people say hi, and baby sign language, and giving really adorable open mouth kisses.   LOVES to play peek a boo (which involves her covering my eyes and laughing).
3. She "says" dada, mama, nana, other various cute noises..it's so easy to make her laugh and smile.
4. Favorite foods--carbs and cheese all the way--I can pretty much get her to do anything for a cheddar bunny :) also plums, apples, oranges (although she mostly spits them out), bananas.. she throws food on the floor when she's done.
5. She is no long my perfect sleeper :( Boo. She wakes up occasionally and since she will not take a binkie I'm at a loss for what to do when in happens (maybe once every other night). We usually turn to a bottle or pick her up, the two biggest no no's --whoops.
6. She loves to play with her big bro. The favorite game lately involves harrison and carter "racing" all over the house. He's thrilled to win and luckily she doesn't care yet.
7. Favorite toys: anything soft she can snuggle, toys that make noises where she can push buttons, cords, mommy's purse, still puts everything in her mouth and definitely needs to be watched.
8. We've now reached the stage where church is pretty much impossible until she goes to nursery. She is all over the place, will never nap, and cannot be still.  Same thing during storytime before bed.
9. solidly in 12 month clothes.  She's basically 12 months in every way, except for the whole age thing.
10. Will not keep a bow on her head to save her life. I promise I have a TON of cute bows but you will very rarely see them in a picture...sigh...
11.  She is a bubbly ball of sunshine--she gets super excited when I get home from work or when Sarah, our nanny, gets here in the morning. She's usually pretty thrilled to see daddy too :)



(unrelated side note--Romney totally rocked the debate tonight :) totally worth staying up for even though I need to be up in like 6 hours)

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