25 October 2012

Nashville? Or not.

(cows by the side of the road in Spring Hill, Tennessee)

A little update on us. When we lost our second nanny after Carter was born we decided that managing two kids and finding consistent, affordable childcare was too much and made a goal for me to stay home. We didn't have the money to make it happen right away so we hired someone else. And she quit for personal reasons. After four days. That affirmed the goal for us.  Obviously.  We hired someone else who we knew could only stay until the end of the year hoping that we could find a cheaper place to live (in our out of VA) to do it on one income or that Cory could find a better job. Over the summer Cory's former boss at Nat Geo got a job for a company in Nashville and told Cory he should come out. They talked back and forth and Cory ended up interviewing a bunch of times.  We went out there over conference weekend and really liked it. Nice people, beautiful scenery, you can get a big house for the price of a tiny condo in the ghetto here, etc.  Plus when you go to restaurants they give you to go cups of diet coke without you even asking (obviously this is huge when deciding where to live, right??). Score.  Cory had an in person interview while we were there and things went well. It was pretty much a sure thing, just a matter of when they wanted us to move and whether they would meet our requested salary.  We came back and impatiently waited for the job offer......

After some more back and forth this week they came back and said that because the position they were considering Cory for wasn't number one on their priority hiring list they can't hire him right now.  So basically now we're looking at next year, if at all.  Bummer.  In this whole process over the last few months I've certainly had reservations about leaving our friends, our fantastic neighborhood, Harrison's great preschool, the ward where I don't have a calling in primary (KIDDING :) I loved all four years of being a primary teacher...), and all that the DC area has to offer for kids.  I've contemplated where the best place to raise a family is.  This area is a rat race in so many ways and you have to make a ton more money then we do to be really "comfortable" here, but it has lots of diversity, educated people, excellent schools, history, and proximity to a lot of fun stuff.  Cory also felt some sadness at the prospect of leaving a job he loves that allows him to do important work in his field (but that just doesn't pay him quite what he's worth).  Despite all of this though we thought Nashville was a good idea because it would allow me to be at home.  I'm not happy at my job (it's easy, it's flexible, it's very stable and I'm grateful for it, it's just not FUN).  I miss the kids (they're CUTE) and I want to be in the details of their day to day lives and activities.  I'm very lucky to get to spend much more time with my kids then working parents but that also means I get up WAY too early and have to cram a whole lot of cleaning and "household management" into those few hours as well.

So there you go.  We wanted something and didn't get it.  I'm a sad about it but I know it's for the best. We've prayed for guidance in this process and I know we have it.  We (I) just need to be patient. PATIENT. With faith that it will work out even better then we hoped.  And enjoy living in a wonderful place with good jobs and nice kids and lots of fun to be had.  That's not so hard, right?


Melinda said...

Bummer. I go through the same thoughts a lot. I really have it good, why should I complain... but oh I want better or at least different. Good things are coming! I just keep trusting that all those opportunities I think I'm missing are just distractions from the large, better plan that's laid of for me. I sure hope!

rachel said...

We also have been in this crazy "applying for a different position and not getting it situation". It's a total bummer and Nashville is awesome. I wish you were in our ward as a primary teacher. I'll trade ya callings;) I have to say the cost of living up here is probably comparable. . . sadly. I know things can work out in ways that we don't understand that are the best for our families but not without the trial of our faith. YOU CAN DO IT!! Keep going. You could always consider alaska:)

betsey said...

So lame. I'm so sorry, Pambie. I think you all are amazing and am so impressed with all the incredible things that you and Cory do on a daily basis. Things will work out. And in the mean time, you all have shown that you can do hard things. I'm sorry! Sure miss you though, move to Hong Kong :)

kerri said...

How is it possible it has been this long since we've talked. I need to call you!