12 March 2009

Harrison's baby blessing!!

We blessed Harrison last Sunday and it was great fun! Cory's parents came for a WHOLE WEEK for the event and it was absolutely wonderful to have my in laws around to help me with the baby, weed our front yard (something I have been trying to find time to do forever!! It's amazing how just getting those little things done can make such a big difference), clean our house, buy us groceries, take us out to dinner, and pretty much save my life a hundred times over!! (I took the MPRE last saturday and there is no way I would have even had a chance to pass without all of the babysitting help!!) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Cory's sister Lindsay also came for the weekend from BYU and my mom and Larry and brother and great friends came for the blessing and over to our house afterwards (any excuse to miss the last two hours of church right??). Harrison enjoyed being passed around and ogled and the rest of us enjoyed yummy soup and salad and these awesome red velvet cupcakes I made :) Here are some pics, mostly courtesy of Kerri. As a side note, in some Harrison is wearing his adorable blessing outfit and some he's not..what can I say as much as my kid spits up I got him into something a little less stain-able as soon as possible!
See my cute outfit!!! Bib protected of course...

With Aunt Lindsay

Family shot

With Lisa
With Kerri
with Mommy after a diaper change
with Grandma and Grandpa (my mom and Larry--haven't really decided what he should call each respective set of grandparents yet...)
stopping for a snack (my child has gotten accustomed to breastfeeding and THEN eating 4 oz of formula..awesome...)
my favorite Harrison pic of the day! with Jen


Kari said...

Amber you look awesome and little Harrison is adorable! He is already growing so much! Congrats on the blessing and I am so happy things have been going well and that you had some help from your in-laws. Gotta love the perks of having family visit!! Hope you can make it out here this summmer!! I am dying to meet that little guy and see you as a mommy!!

rachel said...

Congratulations Harrison!! Way to go guys! He is really handsome. BEST OF LUCK on the MPRE!! We need to get together. That sweet guy is growing up already!

Sheila said...

Oh my gosh Amber, YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, your hair looks, A-mazing, and you are glowing! I know they say that pregnant people are supposed to glow, but I think that you are stunning! Your in-laws sound so great, good luke on the MPRE! I love all of these pictures!

Sheila said...

LUKE??? Where did I get L-U-K-E from?? LUCK obviously...good luck my dear! LOVE YOU!

Unknown said...

sheila you are ridiculous but you make my day thank you!! and don't worry about good luke--I mess up words all the time now...

Angela said...

Cute pictures! And you're hair looks so cute! I love the darker color. I wish I could have been there, like you were there for ours. I'll be out in May and can't wait to see you guys!!