29 March 2009

Why I enjoy apple products

I've been meaning to post some pics I took with my REAL camera but the cord has somehow alluded me once again.....I know in my heart that the pics taken with a flash are so much better than those taken with my phone but it's just so EASY to take a picture with the iphone and then everytime I plug it into my mac to charge the phone all the pics are automatically downloaded so if I want to post them NO CORD NEEDED!!

so here you go--i call this montage "cute baby and amber's new car"

First the car--a 2006 mazda 3 hatchback--a little roomier than my old car and super fun to drive

Here's cory with the car...he just got back from his home teaching appointment..good job Cory!!

And of course me--given that it's ten minutes after we got home from church I am of course already wearing cory's pajama pants and my nancy naples t shirt...I love sundays :)

and of course cute baby
cute baby face up close
and trying to put his whole hand in his mouth
HELLO precious!!!

The boy has started wearing 3 months clothes and as I was putting away the newborn stuff so cory would stop trying to shove him into them I found these CUTE overalls that I had to make him wear at least once..oops for not knowing all the cute baby clothes I had

still trying with this tummy time thing..it's getting a bit better

We decided to skip the crib and go straight for the queen size bed
more cute overalls

and finally..this is what I do when I can't get him to stop crying...the stuffed animal blanket combo (we named him Leonard), his binky, and the bouncy chair..it usually works for at least a couple of minutes

As for more baby updates-we've moved him out of our room and into his winnie the pooh playland. He's done good so far (although I tend to be paranoid and want to constantly check on him despite the baby monitor). Usually he's pretty good about going to sleep and for the last two nights (knock on wood) he's slept from about 930 to 430 and then up to eat and sleeping til about 9--it probably won't last but it is nice to at least have him sleeping before midnight :)


Summer said...

congrats on the car, hatchbacks are awesome!

i'm totally there with you on the 'change out of church clothes and into something with an elastic waist band after church as fast as you can' thing and of course then you're all ready for the sunday afternoon nap. yup, sundays are the best :-)

Kari said...

yeah a new car! that's always fun! Love all the new pics of baby Harrison! He is such a cutie and I sure hope I get to meet him this summer!! Yeah for trips to Cali!!...I'm glad to hear you are getting some sleep at night too! That is MAJOR when they start sleeping through the night and you actually feel like a real person the next day!!

Shaun and Kelli said...

I love all these pictures of Harrison. He is SOOO adorable. By far one of the cutest babies I've ever seen...besides Michael of course. He is defintely going to be a heartbreaker. I love the smiley picture, they are growing up way too fast. I wish we lived closer. They'd be buds!

rachel said...

CONGRATs on the new car! Harrison is getting so big. That picture of him in his seat looks exactly like what we do with Kimball! So cute. Isn't being a mom the best ever!!

Smashie Smasherton said...

Not to sound like Mikey, but that car doesn't have nearly enough scratches on it!

Sheila said...

AWESOME!! LOVE that he's sleeping (fingers crossed) LOVE the car, so cute, SO YOU!!!! AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO COME OUT HERE so I can SNUGGLE that little CUTIE!

Angela said...

Your car is way cute! Nice choice! And as everyone else has said, those pictures of Harrison are so cute! He has the cutest little smile and is just adorable. When are you going out to Cali? Is Heidi going with you?

Unknown said...

Ang--the plan is July and YES!! Hopefully we can both get the money together--we found some tickets for 179 (heidi will be in AZ for the summer anyway since her husband is working out here--she will be here june 1-july 24--are you going to be there anytime in that range??)
looking forward to seeing you in May and using your picture taking talent!!!
and Kelli--I KNOW!!! they could totally be bffs since they're so close in ages :)