I was first on Sheila's tagged list...so I suppose I better waste a few minutes and do this (poor me!! :))
8 TV shows I love to watch: (and these are in no particular order) 1. House
2. The Office
3. Anything on the Food Network
4. Anything on HG TV
5. What Not to Wear
6. Glenn Beck
7. Extreme Makeover Home Edition (even though I cry after like 5 minutes and pretty much keep crying the whole time...)
8. ummmmm........can't think of any other ones. Honestly usually when I'm watching TV I'm either doing something else or am trying to do something else...sorta more like background noise...
8 Things that Happened to me Yesterday:1. Went to church and was only like two minutes late (and cory didn't even complain like he typically does--thanks cory!!)
2. Got to wear the hot red shoes I just bought to church!!!
3. Bribed my primary children with brownies despite them already being hyped up on halloween candy from the trunk or treat the night before
4. Tried to teach 11 year olds about the scriptures---actually had a couple of minutes of what one might call "engaging discussion," and no one told me about how I was a crappy teacher--YAY!!!!
5. worked on some homework--just enough to get me through today....still didn't start the 25 page paper that's due in a week...but I'm working on it now.....ok I will be....
6. went for a walk with cory--it's finally starting to get to the point where it's not 100 degrees at like 10 p.m.
6. ate leftovers since we have tons and I need to get rid of them --not bad though
7. spent quality time with my spouse--it was WONDERFUL to just get to relax a little bit
8.Finally watched the Scrubs DVD we've had from netflix for like two months...
8 Favorite Places to Eat:1. Mexican food inside a gas station in Phx--it sounds weird but it's really good
2. Safeway Deli for their Yum Sandwiches
3. Q'Doba for veggie nachos with guacamole
4. Carrabas
5. Joe's Deli--they have a free soft serve ice cream machine--enough said
6. Abuelo's (guess what my favorite genre of food is...)
7. Spicy Pickle
8. Zocales--a mexican place in Chandler
8 Things I am looking forward to:1. HAVING THIS BABY!!! PREFERABLY BY CHRISTMAS!!!!
2. Going along with #1--wearing normal clothes, sleeping on my stomach, and NOT being nauseous every day!!!
3. Graduating from Law School--May 15, 2009
4. Getting my dad's house FINALLY FINISHED so I can have a Saturday that doesn't involve going down there all day and trying to help the fixing up without breathing too many paint fumes
5. Finding someone to rent my dad's house and live with my little bro so I don't have to keep paying the mortgage
6. Paying off my student loans!!!!! (someday!!)
8 Things on my wish list:1. A safe painless delivery for my child (before my due date dang it!!!)
2. Cory to get an awesome raise and continue to love his job
3. Cory or I to find an awesome job somewhere not as hot as Arizona....Seattle or DC top the list
4. A yellow convertible mini cooper
5. a new computer with a battery that actually holds a charge
6. A miracle!! Mccain wins the election and Republicans take control of the House or Senate (but not both...we need some opposition right?)
7. Prop 102 passes!!!
8. My campaign finance paper to magically be done while I sit here and work on this blog post....
8 People I Tag:umm...whoever feels the need to waste a little time